" " " Lamenting Poetic Moods [six Poems] | Mood Rings "

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Lamenting Poetic Moods [six Poems]

Advance: in Mr. Siluk's poetry one finds symbolist values, sensuous impressions; verbal magic and even childish jingles; at times the popular 8-syllable verse (ballad metre). Free verse, with lamenting poetic moods, even satire (poems inside-out). Here are a few more of his recently written poems. Rosa Peñaloza.

Lamenting Poetic Moods

(Six Poems)

By Dennis Siluk

Spring Scene: Rain

[Along the Mississippi]

Dusk descends. A mist

shows nothing of kindness.

And now, as the sun falls,

a dead pale gleam, hardly


covers the city, along the


With tarnished spring rain--!

Everything is cold and gray.

No moon at all, just pale drab


Bleak rain, all night and day;

Pale-bleak rain, along the


Note: #670 [5/16/05]; inspired by the rain;

in St. Paul, Minnesota; and Juan Ramon Jimenez.


[Ancient ruins by the Andes of Peru, 700 AD]

Ancient ruins, hidden away

In the Mantaro Valley


A scent of silence...resides

In the quiet skies

Of Wariwilca!...

A cheerful breeze clashes my knees

As I kneel down

And Drink from its spring...

In the quiet corners of

The ruins, spirits still linger



American Society:

Yellow moon-light

We are Christians, but have

Not faith--!

We are ecclesiastical but

Not spiritual--!

We have no roots, but we

Have big feet!

It is a land of everyone

Ruled by everyone

Even mystics--!

We have the mountain and sky

And we all try to fly--!

We love God, with or

Without Him--!

It should be made clear--

We are preoccupied with:

Death, money and beer!

(And most folks hate poetry

At best.)

Our youth and Congress

With long grass and low skies--

Are on a road that leads to lies!

As for me--

Books, New York City, just before

Dawn: yellow moon-light shines through

My empty room....

Farewell, farewell; next stop

My poems becomes alive

With cosmic crap--!


White Peril

Weakness rides the humans of life!

Humans against the anguish of Satan!

He feels wronged and thus, suffers

Madly with his blemished soul!

They are many; but they exist, they

...paint white fences for weak humans.

The poor...the poor! He slaps their face;

Puts them in place; gives gilt filled destinies.

Weakness rides the humans of life!

Madly with the blemished soul of Satan...:

Crazed eyes, shoulders high, high:

He summons us...to his den nearby!...


Cesar Vallejo's:

Feasible of Black Roses

Bow down your head ol' poet--

To face God's grace ahead

There are no more trenches

To dig today...

In the forest of your head,


Bow down, bow down,

Ol' barbaric poet!

Death rides the horse ahead

I hear the crackling of a whip

See the crazed eyes of death.

He summons you to his den--

The devil and his wind,


Bow down, bow down

Your blood stained brows

He will take you to the edge.

Closer, closer, I see you now

Ah! a moving satanic cloud

I see a festival of black-roses:

Hear a clamor in the crowd;

Bow down, bow down, Ol' poet

...I hear applause!

Forgive me Lord, I tired

In the afternoon of my life--

But souls are seized by devils

And black-roses at festivals:

On days that 'you are sick!...'

#666 [5/15/2005]

Evangeline of Lima

Evangelina of Lima,

Awoken in her breasts

Warmth at the request
For her hand in marriage

By the handsome young captain

Don Fernando--!

But obsession to gamble

Woud tare his heart away

As he squandered her fortune

And her diamond solitaire ring.

But fortune would have it so,

She died a solid wife--

To save her husbands honor

In the middle of her life.

Note: Inspired by Ricardo Palma, and his "Peruvian Traditions". Being a licensed counselor for many years, and schooled in psychology, and addictions, this case he writes about, was most interesting to me, and therefore I wrote my poem with it as an example. I do not feel I have taken anything away from his writings, and was careful to observe this.

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