" " " Thomas Hass - Film Scoring ("Over gaden under vandet" - Meta mood:conflict) | Mood Rings "

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Thomas Hass - Film Scoring ("Over gaden under vandet" - Meta mood:conflict)

Ask is married to Anne. They have everything you could ever want. Good careers, lovely children and an apartment in Christianshavn — the most beautiful part of Copenhagen. One morning Anne learns that Ask wants to take a break from their marriage. Why? Is he seeing another woman? Like rings in the water, Ask's decision starts affecting everyone around them.»Above the Street Below the Water« is a film about the adult generation of today. A generation for whom everything is possible. The sky is the limit but all choices have consequences When I first read the manuscript it hit me like a brick. I was very emotionally disturbed by the characters way of conducting their lives and I went directly to the piano and wrote the first pieces. They did not end up in the movie but that was the beginning of a long journey. During the shooting I visited the set a few times. I started to compose already in the period where the film was edited so it ended up with that only my music has been on the film. The music is, except from the main theme, centered around warm and mellow ambient/electronic soundscapes with acoustic instruments. The clarinet featured on almost all cues is the late father of the director, Charlotte Sieling, clarinet. He was a well known danish swing jazz musician and died just before the film was shot. Since the story is partly inspired from the directors own life and I could play the clarinet, we decided to tribute him in this way. The song at the end of the movie is ...

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