" " " Hello Beautiful Stranger Part 16 | Mood Rings "

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Hello Beautiful Stranger Part 16

[the next day the couples go their seperate ways. When the girls woke up the next morning Nicole was in such a bad mood] Anne:Im guessing it didnt go so well w/ Nick last nite? Nicole:[pissed off] U guessed rite. Beth:[announcer voice] We have a winner! [N/A look @ her] Beth:Just thought id brighten things up a bit. Jeez. Anne:[turns back 2 Nicole] So wat happened? Nicole:He was standing rite next 2 me & i heard him say Destiny. i assumed thats the girl he was talking 2 & i told him. then he got really mad @ me. Beth:Y would u tell him something like that? Nicole:I dk! how was i 2 noe that he would get all pissed @ me. plus i thought i could tell him anything. Anne:Dont worry u can call him l8r. Nicole:If he'll answer his phone. Beth:Hey remember-he likes girls who can understand their busy schedules. Nicole:I just hope he doesnt make up a stupid excuse like "Even if i wanted 2 answer my SCCCHHHHHEDULE wouldnt allow it! (AN-i couldnt resist! best part of the Grinch!) [B/A laugh] Beth:[phone rings] o0o0o0o its Joe! [answers] Hi! Joe:Hey hows it goin'? Beth:Eh, ok i guess. i miss u sooo much though. Joe:I miss u 2. im addicted! Beth:2 wat? Joe:Ur kisses. Beth:Wow. u must be an angel fallen from heaven. Joe:U sure its me? Beth:Well wat other angels would i noe? Joe:U. Beth:I noe myself perfectly. im noe angel. Joe:Ur my angel. Beth:Ur so sweet. Joe:So r u. [they flirted like this 4 a while. meanwhile Nicole gets a call] Nicole:Hello? Nick:Hey its me. Nicole:[her hopes just ...

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