" " " Traveling With Twins - How to Have a Smooth Trip | Mood Rings "

วันพุธที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Traveling With Twins - How to Have a Smooth Trip

Twins bring an entirely new dynamic to life and while having two babies in the house is a little more work, it means double the joy. However, traveling with newborns needs to be planned carefully to ensure the trip goes smoothly. Whether driving a few hours to visit family or friends or flying across the country or overseas, a great trip with twins all comes down to being organized.

Unfortunately, some parents of twins think a traveling vacation is out of the question but with a few guidelines, it is actually not difficult at all. In this article, we wanted to provide some helpful traveling tips so you can take the vacation you want and have a great time while gone.

· Patience - One of the best things you can do with traveling with newborns is go with a lot of patience and expect the unexpected. By being realistic that you will likely be faced with a few challenges eliminates stress. Instead of feeling overwhelmed when traveling with twins, you need to adopt the attitude that this is an adventure, good and bad so just relax and go with the flow.

· Special Bag - You definitely want to pack a "special bag", one that contains snacks, formula, bottles, teething rings, diapers, wipes, and for a travel vacation with twin toddlers, entertainment items such as coloring book and crayons, toys, and even a portable DVD player and favorite DVDs.

· Airline Seating - One of our traveling tips if you plan to fly with twins is when booking the flight, always request advanced seat assignments. For one thing, you want the entire family to be together but choosing the front seats, you would also have more leg room and even space where the twins could sleep on a blanket on the floor in front of you. Additionally, by being at the front, you are the furthest away from the bulk of passengers so if the twins were to cry or become fussy, the situation would be easier to manage.

· Additional Seating - Another of our traveling tips would be purchasing an additional seat aboard the flight, if the budget allows. With this, you would have extra room, again making the trip less stressful.

· Baby Backpacks - Instead of carrying umbrella strollers onboard a plane, you should consider investing in a baby backpack for each of the twins. That way, you would have the opportunity to carry the babies, which is easier but also safer.

· Comfort - When traveling with newborns, it would be helpful to take a warmer and cooler outfit. That way, if the inside of the plane were cool or hot, you could change clothes so the twins are comfortable. Even the outfit you place on the twins for a traveling vacation, whether driving or flying, would help. Although it would be nice to get the twins all dressed up, always think comfort since the more comfortable the babies the less fussing.

· Destination Planning - No matter the destination of your traveling vacation, it would be advantageous to research the area before arriving. With this, you would know of baby-friendly hotels and restaurants, learn the location of nice parks, and have required information for getting to the hotel or home of family or friends where you plan to stay.

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