" " " Read Your List's "Mood Ring" | Mood Rings "

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Read Your List's "Mood Ring"

Do you remember the "mood ring" back in the 70s - or was it the 80s? They were super-trendy for a while, and you still can find them in novelty shops. They were rings that told the wearers mood by its color: black was a angry mood, blue was a good mood, amber was nervous and unsettled , and so on. The idea was that, if you knew the wearer's mood, you would know how to approach him or her.

Wouldn't you love to have a mood ring for your list? Wouldn't you love to know if they - or enough of them - was in a mood to buy? Or maybe many members are in a turmoil over some problem that you could solve for them? Maybe a significant number of your list members are in an expansion mood, and would buy products that would grow their business - products you just happen to have. Wouldn't THAT be valuable information to you?

The state of the art of internet marketing right now doesn't really give that option, does it? You could
take a survey, but all you will know is the mood of the people who responded. You can put up a poll somewhere, but again, not everyone responds to polls. You can set up a teleconference, but cost (to you), attendance, topic, and time may make this as unreliable as the other methods. What you need, as a marketer, is a reliable method to learn what your list members are thinking, are concerned about, and are wanting to have. In short, you want to read their moods and their minds.

The best way to get the mood of your list would be to listen to their conversations between themselves, right? Or to talk one-on-one with each member, right? Well, using the power of the internet, you can do exactly that! The most direct way to get this done is to turn your list into a community.

The internet provides the most powerful tools ever created, to coalesce your list into a community. Using blogs, contact forms, forums, chat rooms, video email, and newsletters, you can get a dialogue going between you and the members of your list. You can also begin and encourage conversations between the members themselves. You will need to decide how severely you want to moderate the conversations. But by letting your list members engage in conversations, you can begin to see what interests them, what scares them or concerns them, and what plans they are making.

By providing your list with some simple but powerful tools, and by seeding and encouraging a community approach, you will soon be able to hear what your list members are saying - what problems they are facing - how THEIR businesses are growing or changing. And you can be right there, providing the tools and solutions your members need, at just the right time. That sounds like a formula for success to me!

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