" " " Mood Rings: พฤษภาคม 2010 "

วันอังคารที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Slipped Away - Eowyn

A vid about all the loss in Eowyns live, starts with loosing her parents in early childhood, and this is only the beginning... Done in a very sad mood, so might be a little depressing, but, as we all know: "There's still hope" ^^ Song: The Day by Avril Lavigne

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วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Being Aware With Acute and Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms

Severe Lyme disease symptoms can resolve all of a sudden anywhere from a only some days to more than a few weeks while Never-ending Lyme disease will little by little engraft into the internal situation of the affected person.

Acute Lyme disease can be treated simply and effectively with a sole or recipe of antibiotics similar to penicillin, doxycycline and amoxicillin.

Lyme disease symptoms regularly begin with flu-like feelings. The Lyme disease symptoms are headache, fever, muscle pains, weakness, and stiff neck. Afterward the tick's bite, about few days or one month after it, around 60% of Light-skinned patients experience an erythema migrans (EM) - an enlarging inflammation. Dark skinned people experience bruise.

The flu-like symptoms, which are actually Lyme disease symptoms, can last as long as the treatment, even as there may also be minor emotional and mental manifestations similar to temper swings, sleep problems and concentrating difficulties.

Analgesics can be taken for muscle and joint pain as well as drugs that lessen the body temperature. Treatment lasts from one to two months. First indications should immediately be taken care without hesitation. The first common sign is a bull's-eye rash that goes on flu-like symptoms such as fever, body weakness, joint, muscle pain and chills. Unusual symptoms in acute Lyme disease include palpitations, heart block and neurologic symptoms like changed mental condition and neuroborreliosis, the central nervous system disorder. There is a potential for Lyme disease to go through an out of sight phase in its switch commencing acute to Never-ending disease. Severe symptoms can disappear for weeks, months or even years prior to recurring in extra harsh appearances.

Fractional Lyme disease symptoms:

Physicians are likely to misidentify premature Lyme disease on behalf of flu, and later on, they experience a few non-specific symptoms together with a variety of difficulties with different body organs. This is just a partial listing of Lyme disease symptoms, because there are additional than three hundred signs in the medical glossary implying Lyme disease infection. The previously mentioned report is not a diagnostic tool, but the intention is to submit a base for you to have a dialogue with your personal physician about the immeasurable Lyme disease.

Non-specific Lyme disease symptoms: Sore throat, night sweats, severe fatigue, and inflamed glands

Digestion: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in kids), and diarrheas are several of the leading digestive problems of Lyme disease symptoms.

Heart: some of the main Lyme disease: Vasculitis - inflammation of the wall of blood vessels including veins , arteries and capillaries Carditis, Pancarditis - the inflammation of the heart or its surroundings Myocarditis - inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular part of the heart.

Muscles: Joint inflammation and pain are the most common of Lyme disease symptoms: Arthritis that transfers from joint to joint cause damage to the joints of the body As a result: Loss of muscle tone, muscle ache. Bell's palsy - paralysis of the facial nerve resulting in inability to control facial muscles on the affected side,

Nervous System: Meningoencephalitis - both meningitis (an inflammation of the meninges- the system of cells membranes which envelops the central nervous system), and encephalitis, which is an illness or inflammation of the brain Neurosyphilis - an infection of the brain or spinal cord, Encephalitis - an acute inflammation of the brain, spinal nerve root pain, tremors and shakes. Results: Deficit reflexes, irregular blood flow in brain, confusions, mood swings and speech difficulties - those are the major nervous system difficulties indicating severe Lyme disease symptoms and condition, remembrance loss, sleep problems, dementia, panic attacks, and neurotic disorder.

Skin: People who catch Lyme disease repeatedly get a rash. Usually it shapes a bull's-eye pattern of red and white rings around the tick bite. Later on the might develop Lyme disease symptoms as Paresthesia - A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no apparent physical cause. Sensory feeling; Tingling and numbness.

Reproductive System: People who are sick with Lyme disease might have Urine control problems. The might have problem to bring to an end the flow of urine from the bladder. Other signs of Lyme disease are Bowel incontinence - the loss of bowel control, resulting in involuntary passage of stool. Men might to have testicular pain - feeling pain in the testicles. Sexual dysfunction.

Women might have problems all through pregnancy - miscarriage, and delayed baby development. Several of the Lyme disease are indicative of illnesses as the following:

Multiple Sclerosis - Disease that affects the central nervous system.

Parkinson's disease - Central nervous system disorder that impairs the motor skills and speech, as well as other tasks.

Alzheimer- a progressive and fatal brain disease, the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer's destroys the brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

Chronic Lyme disease:

30-50% of acute Lyme disease patients go on to expand chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Additionally, a few earlier present but without symptoms patients may make active their disease following a variety of anxieties such as trauma, surgery, pregnancy, coexisting illness, antibiotics treatment, or harsh emotional stress.

Never-ending Lyme disease is especially dangerous because the manifestations are much more severe moreover; there is no fixed medicine for it. It cannot be efficiently treated with antibiotics thus there are certain and individualized approaches in caring for patients in the Chronic shape. The effects are calling for long-term antibiotic use plus other therapies.

There is more controversy revolving around the medicinal treatment approach. The interaction of more than a few drugs and the chronic intake of antibiotics can prove to be overwhelming for the liver, kidneys and blood circulation as well.

Chronic antibiotic intake can result to the patient being immune-compromised. Steroid therapy may be indicated. Since the effects and counter-effects of a variety of treatments that are not yet established, a fixed treatment cannot be fully guaranteed only through medicine.

Immune responses due to bacterial invasion are compromised at times making the person vulnerable to acquiring other diseases.

Additional examination is necessary for constant Lyme disease since its pathogenesis, the system by which Lyme disease is caused, is not entirely recognized. In addition, more than a few manifestations suggestive to those of other diseases making it difficult for doctors to diagnose correctly. The person may have acquired a new illness but still show the similar of late phase of Lyme disease symptoms. Currently, Doctors and medical researchers are studying fresh healing alternatives to purposely individualize care plans for Lyme disease patients.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Last Life

A poem that was inspired by the film Last Life In the Universe. You can find a slightly different, instrumental-only version here: vimeo.com -------------------------------------- Sitting in the bathtub Blowing rings of smoke towards the ceiling Im pondering my existence Have I done my best? What have I accomplished so far? Am I truly happy? These questions are not even relevant. The only important one is Is this my last life In this universe? The phone rings, drones, drills Holes into my brain But when Im about to pick it up, The ringing stops And the lines dead. I dont know anybody Who would call me Anyway. I look at the shadows decline and recline In the sweet silence and solace of my room. Dwelling upon the transience of elements Makes me aware of my own mortality. What if this is the last life I have in this cold universe? One last chance? I can feel the time stand still In my cold blue room; Its a somnolent summer Sunday But it has the mood of winter days. The clouds in the sky look down on me And the sun shines without pity and burns; The wind between the bamboo reeds whispers And the sickly smell of papaya knows That this is the last Life in the universe.

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วันพุธที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Art of the Proposal

Getting engaged is a big step in any relationship, as it signifies a new stage of your life together. While it is not necessary to have a massive hoo-ha regarding the proposal, a lot of people like to have a memorable proposal that is worth describing to other people for many years to come. But what do you need to consider before the special day comes around, and how will you know if your beloved will say yes?

The right match
Hopefully by this point you will have considered whether the two of you are the right match for each other, and whether you have the same (or at least similar) aspirations and goals in life. If you have discovered this much, you should know whether or not they wanted to get married and start a life together at some point; this is when you need to show them that now is the right time. Now you just need to decide how to do it.

How to propose
One of the ways to get a proposal right is to match the situation with their personality; if they are shy it is best not to embarrass them, and if they are outgoing they might appreciate an audience. Although, if you are a bit cheeky you might want to do the exact opposite, and find that they really didn't mind at all! Once you know about the proposal situation, just match your location with their interests.

Quick hints:
• Zoo or park - if they like animals and wildlife
• Sports game - if they enjoy fast-paced and adrenaline filled activities
• Secluded beach - if you want an intimate yet beautiful backdrop
• Restaurant - if you want to do it the way they do in the movies

The finer and final details
Getting an engagement ring and some jewellery insurance to go along with it is one of the vital parts of the engagement process. It's up to you whether or not you go down on one knee, or how formal you make the proposal. Now is the time to think of the words you are going to say; so if you are nervous and think you might stutter it is best to keep this simple.

There are no guarantees that your partner will say yes to your proposal, but if truly know them and plan it accordingly, you should not have any major problems! The most important part of getting engaged is to enjoy it, so plan a proposal that will bring a smile to both of your faces.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Personalize Your Ceremony Music

More couples are choosing to hold their wedding ceremonies and receptions at the same location, whether for convenience, freedom of choice, or the good feelings inspired by a favorite setting. When a bride and groom forego the traditional church setting, new entertainment possibilities are available to them. For this reason, it's not uncommon to find DJs spinning music for the wedding ceremony, as well as during the reception.

When Do I Need Ceremony Music? What Shall I Play?

As guests are seated. To set the mood, music should already be playing when the first guest arrives and as guests are seated. The music choice is entirely yours, but most couples prefer a romantic mood and select a style that suits them -- smooth jazz, wispy piano notes from Windham Hill artists, or chamber music provided by string or woodwind ensembles.

While parents are seated (sometimes). Parents of the bride and groom are last to be seated by the ushers and, occasionally, the parents or bride and groom will request a special song. Keep it short, so your bridal party isn't kept waiting.

When the Bridal Party enters. It's customary for special music to be playing as bridal party couples approach the ceremony area, and there are a couple of ways they can enter the room:

1) The groomsmen appear from the side aisles, make their way to the front, and

wait for the bridesmaids walking down the center aisle.

2) The groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down the center aisle together, as


Popular music to play during the bridal party's entrance includes the soothing strings of Pachelbel's Canon in D, (used as the theme music to the PBS television series "Cosmos"); "The Trumpet Voluntary," a dramatic organ piece with Baroque flourishes, (scored by Classical Wedding Traditions); or Contemporary Artist Enya's ethereal New Age hit, "Only Time." Also in demand are "Ode to Joy," (from Beethoven's 9th Symphony, Classical Wedding Traditions), and "Air," an arrangement for trumpet and strings from Handel's Water Music Suite.

As the music nears its final strains, The Maid / Matron of Honor and Best Man are the last couple to enter, followed by the Ring Bearer, Flower Girl and, finally, the Bride.

For the Bride's walk to the altar. The bride may enter the room on her father's, step-father's or brother's arm; or between her mother and father, (a common sight); or even on the arm of her groom. A special song should lead her down the aisle. Whichever song she selects, it's bound to be too long! A DJ can work with her, editing her favorite song to fit the length of the processional, which might be "Here Comes the Bride," or Ave Maria or Prelude in C, or any of the bridal party music selections. As the bride arrives to the "alter", the music softly fades.

During the candle lighting ceremony. The ceremony is short, and the music will be, too. Brides should expect to hear no more than 45 seconds of their favorite song for this wedding rite. Choose background music or select a meaningful excerpt from your song.

At other special ceremony moments. It might be a live singer, for example. You decide what these moments are. Remember to tell your other entertainment providers about these special guests.

After the ceremony, as everyone departs. Let your personality shine for the recessional! You and your groom are glowing and the bridal party is relieved. Play some energetic traditional music or rousing contemporary tunes. If your ceremony is elegant, appropriate choices might include the "Bridal Recessional" or "At Last" by Etta James and "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.

Light-hearted music includes "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles or "You're My Best Friend" by Queen. Contemporary selections could include "From This Moment" by Shania Twain, "When You Say Nothing At All" by Allison Kraus or "Circle of Life" by Elton John. It's not uncommon to play something heavier, too, so make this music yours.

Remember that the bridal party is right behind the bride and groom, and your guests will closely follow. They're ready to stretch and talk. One or two more songs and they're good to go!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Trouble [Lexi]

I fell in love with this character. So sad that she got killed. So I thought I'd make a short video for her, seeing as she was only in one episode there aren't many clips. I had the hardest time picking a song, so I finally settled on this one for one reason: The "my fingers are bejewled" line b/c of the conversation Lexi and Stefan had about rings, and she held up her mood ring from '75. Any song suggestions for her would be great :) As usual YouTube screwed up the timing, especially in the beginning so sorry about that :( I started this video, right after this episode aired, but never finished it till tonight. I've been really busy with finals and final papers. And since I finished my last paper that's due this semester today, I thought I would let myself vid for a while and not feel guilty. Finals end Wed. so soon I will be able to vid more. =) Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Character: Lexi Song: Trouble Artist: Pink Episode from: Hella Good

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วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Christian Wedding Rings - Support Your Faith

Weddings are a happy time in anyone's life. However, there are some people that want to get more out of their wedding rings than just a symbol of their undying love for someone. That is where Christian wedding rings come into play. These are rings that you can use to not only show your love for someone, but it's also a great way to support your faith. You may not know this, but there are a ton of different Christian wedding bands out there that you can choose from. A lot of them are Cristian men wedding rings, which is a good thing. Up until a few years ago, you really could not find a lot of different mens wedding rings. Now, thanks to Christian men wedding rings, you can!

The first thing that you have to note about these rings, is that they come in a lot of different styles. That could be one reason why people find it so easy to find a ring that represents them. Christian wedding rings can usually be picked out because of the different kinds of markings that you can find on them. One of the most common that you will find is the Christian men wedding rings that have the raised fish on them. This is a very common Christian symbol, and it does look good on Christian wedding bands. Not only is it a simple symbol, but just about everyone knows what it stands for, thus, you have a symbol that is easily linked back to your faith. People are going to know right away, after looking at your wedding ring, what faith you are, and that is a good feeling to have.

Another very common symbol to see on the ring is not really a symbol at all, but another language. In fact, a lot of Christian wedding bands have Hebrew written on them. Some common saying that you can find on these kinds of rings would be things like "I am by Beloved's." If that is not something that you are into, then a lot of the rings also have different shapes actually cut out of them. Things like crosses are very popular to be cut out of the top of the ring. Even with all these choices, you have not heard about even a fraction of all the different kinds of Christian wedding rings out there.

It is easy to find these rings online. Another important thing to note is that it's easy to find these kinds of rings for both men and women. So when it comes time to find a ring for your loved one, you can not go wrong with a Christian wedding band. They come in so many different shapes and styles that it's easy to see why you should have no problem finding a ring that fits your mood. It's nice to be able to wear things rings, because it feels good to support your faith. There is no better way to do that than on your wedding ring. After all, your wedding ring is something that most people never take off, thus, you are going to have this symbol with you all the time, and that is where you would want these kinds of symbols; close to you!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mood Belts

The girls at my school realized how moody the boys in our high school were so Andrea and I re-wrote the song "Mood Rings" by Relient K. We re-named it "Mood Belts." We performed it at CAMP this year, and used this slideshow. If we ever get around to recording it, I'll redo this so the slideshow will be with our playing...hehe (The song by Relient K is not my own, and no copyright infringement is intended)

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วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Woo Her With Perfect Engagement Rings

Giving the best gift for your girl on your engagement day is something that you will have to take extra care about. It is very important to know the taste and likings of your girls to select the best one for her. Platinum engagement rings with certified diamonds studded on to them can create magic. Do you like to see your girls as happy as a flower when she sees what you have chosen for her? Then your best chose can be of some custom made designer engagement ring. First you will have to know what she likes before you go in for a design. In today's world, we can find that designer rings are something that can bring out the taste as well as liking of every one as then have countless beautiful designs to exhibit according to the theme or mood you want them to be, Starting from gold engagement rings with diamonds to platinum engagement rings with diamonds, in addition to a lot of hand made designs to machine cut designs, we have arrange of beautiful designs to pick up from.

Unlike earlier times where men would actually suffer a lot to find a beautiful and unique design that goes well with the taste of their women, today's men just have to follow simple steps to get the dream engagement in their girl's mind. Women today are so clear in what they want and it easy for men to find out her taste in just a few minutes of friendly talk. It is not necessary that you have to ask about her favorite design or the engagement ring directly to her, make it simple by asking her what she likes n general, like butterflies, flowers or favorite stone so that you can add a hint of these elements in the designer engagement ring that you are going to select for her. Or the next best way can by asking her friends about her taste. Friends know more than what others know so try taking here best friend while you select the engagement ring. your lady must have surely talked about the engagement ring that she loves to have to her friends. Surely, her friends will be more than happy and eager to help you out. If this does not help you out then the best ways to find out that dream engagement ring for your girls will be by investigating it by yourself. Pay attention to the types of jewels she wear and try noticing the reactions she gives when she sees pictures of jewelry in magazines or when you both walk past jewelry stores. Surely you would love doing this and you can confirm your ideas even with your girl's sisters or mom.

As platinum designer rings studded with diamonds are the trend of today's women you can surely find the best choice for your lady love in the countless varieties of design you get to see. All you have to be sure about buying engagement rings is to make sure that the jewelry store that you buy the ring from is genuine in their products as well as services.

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Asian Weddings - The Sangeet Ceremony

Asian marriages are replete with a number of interesting customs and traditions. There is a wide array of rituals that are followed before the actual marriage day, on the marriage day and also after the wedding ceremony is over. It is these rituals that add much gaiety and color to an Asian wedding.

One of the most popular and widely celebrated rituals is the sangeet ceremony. It is mostly an occasion for the female members of the bride's family to gather together and celebrate. There is much singing and dancing and the event is looked forward to with much excitement by everyone. The party continues all through the night amidst much fanfare. The sangeet is one of the most significant pre-wedding celebrations and is often held on a grand scale by most families.

Since sangeet is an integral part of any Indian wedding, extensive preparations go into making it a grand success. There are elaborate arrangements that are made to decorate the venue of the sangeet ceremony and also provide for music and food. The house of the girl is beautifully decorated and the people start gathering from evening onwards for night long enjoyment.

Among all the Indian communities the event of sangeet is mostly celebrated by the Punjabis and the Gujaratis. The Gujaratis conduct garba dance to celebrate the occasion. Sangeet for them is conducted in a big hall where guests arrive dressed in traditional gujarati wear to dance the night away.

The sangeet further sets the mood of the wedding. While earlier the ceremony used to be held for ten days it has now been shortened to just one day. Sangeet, though chiefly an occasion that is celebrated at the bride's house, is also observed in the groom's family with equal pomp and show. Itis actually a part of the engagement ceremony of the bride and the groom.

The sangeet is celebrated at the bride's family by playing the dholki and singing traditional wedding songs which are generally referred to as suhaag. The themes of the sangeet revolve around how the couple met and fell in love. Songs poking gentle fun at the in-laws and the would-be groom and also life after marriage are sung much to the merriment of the guests. There are also dances that are performed by the unmarried girls of the house. In the groom's house too the ladies assemble to sing songs which are known as ghoriya. While the sangeet is mostly an occasion for the females to celebrate, men too participate in the celebrations these days.

Apart from traditional singing and dancing families also hire DJs to enliven the night. Music and dance is usually followed by dining. An elaborate spread is laid for the guests wherein an array of traditional cuisines is on offer.

Sangeet is an enjoyable ceremony held amidst the hectic marriage preparations. The all important event adds to the charm of an Indian wedding and serves to further strengthen the bond further between the two families.

Considering an Asian wedding? Visit our website today to find out more about Asian weddings

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วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lest We Forget - In Flander Field - Remembrance Day

This is a section taken from the Our Story production which was cut from the finished version of the film as it wasnt in keeping with the mood of the occasion it was to showcase. Our Story is a film made up entirely of the schools archival pictures. This section documents the school during World War One. It has been pieced back together as a stand alone film for Remembrance Day. I hope you enjoy watching Our Story Lest We Forget. Please feel free to leave comments and rate the film and Thank you for watching. Leighton Moody

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